Children's Viral Infections

Statement from Dr Juliet Sutton & NHS Buckinghamshire CCG

Children’s respiratory and viral infections are on the increase.

Often a child will present with a temperature or new cough. These infections are usually self-limiting and can be treated at home with symptomatic measures. The majority of these infections will not be due to COVID-19. However, for the safety of our other patients and staff, we would ask that you have a very low threshold for getting your child a PCR COVID-19 test early on in their illness. A lateral flow test is not sufficient and is not an accurate test for symptomatic children.

If the PCR test is negative but your child remains unwell, your GP will be able to confidently invite you into the practice for an appointment to be seen.

This will help to keep everyone safe, but in particular will ensure that your child gets the most appropriate care at the right place.

To access a PCR test visit:
