Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Poplar Grove Patients (PPG) are a group of patients who meet on a monthly basis. The PPG is a physical committee of 20 members, led by an executive committee of 5. The PPG meet quarterly to discuss ways of improving the surgery for both patients and staff. We also have a "working group" meeting quarterly to get projects off the ground i.e. fundraising and outreach groups (where outside agencies come into talk to patients at the surgery).

Please do contact us below or see out board in reception for more details.

Social Media

We have the following social media accounts:

  • Twitter @PopGrovePPG 
  • Facebook Poplar Grove Patients PPG
  • Instagram @poplargroveppg 

Contact Information

Chair of PPG - Elaine Trump

Treasurer - Denise Summers

PCN Rep - Janet Smith

Secretary - VACANCY (see below) currently covered by Denise Summers & Janet Smith


We are always looking for new members.

Apply to become a virtual PPG member.

Poplar Grove Patients (PPG) are a group of patients who meet on a monthly basis. The PPG is a physical committee of 20 members, led by an executive committee of 5. The PPG meet quarterly to discuss ways of improving the surgery for both patients and staff. Please contact us below or see out board in reception for more details.