Appointments with the Midwife

Our practice Community Midwives are;


 Lucy Harper                           Cat Ramirez

What to do if you have found out your pregnant

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Please register your pregnancy with Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust Community Midwives at:-

Badger Notes - Self-refer your pregnancy to Buckinghamshire Healthcare SPA

You will be contacted by Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust within 10 working days, if you have not heard after this time please call them on 01296 255780.

What happens next?

Lucy or Catherine will call or text you to arrange your booking appointment. This appointment is usually held between 8- 10 weeks gestation. This first appointment can be done at the practice or at home and takes around 1 hour (all appointments after this take around 20 minutes). We will go through all of your medical, obstetric and family history, take blood samples, check your blood pressure, weight and height and talk through your pregnancy care and answer any questions you may have. 

Care in pregnancy depends on a women's background however below is a general schedule of appointments thorough your pregnancy;

  • 12 weeks - 1st scan, this will take place at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and you'll receive details about your appointment directly from the hospital
    After your 1st scan, please text Charlotte or Lucy or call the surgery on 01296 468 580 to book your next appointment, this should be at 16 weeks
  • 16 weeks - general check up and listen in to babies heartbeat. From this appointment onwards, Charlotte/Lucy will book your next appointment for you before you leave
  • 18-20 weeks - 2nd scan, this is called the Anomaly Scan and again you'll receive details about your appointment directly from the hospital
  • 25 weeks - general midwife check up and issue Mat B1 form if required
  • 28 weeks - general check up with blood tests 
  • 31 weeks - general midwife check up
  • 34 weeks - general midwife check up and discussions about birth preferences 
  • 36 weeks - general midwife check up and finalise birth preferences
  • 38 weeks - general midwife check up
  • 40 weeks - general midwife check up at full term with an offer of a membrane sweep for 1st time mothers
  • 41 weeks - general midwife check up, offered membrane sweep to all women
  • 41 weeks 5 days - Induction of labour is offered at approximately 41+5 weeks, this will be booked by the Community Midwives but done at Stoke Mandeville Hospital 

  • Post delivery - a Community Midwife will visit you at home the day after you are discharged from hospital. After this your care will be handed over to the Health Visitors & GP. 

If you wish to bring your partner along to your antenatal appointments, they must attend with proof of a negative lateral flow test that same day.

How can I contact my Midwife?

At your booking appointment you'll be provided with Lucy's and/or Catherine's mobile numbers. You should only contact them via their mobile if your enquires are non-urgent. Alternatively you can contact the surgery on 01296 468 580 and the reception team can contact your midwife.

If your enquiry is urgent and you are over 18 weeks pregnant, please call labour ward on 01296 316103. If you are under 18 weeks, please call 111 or attend A&E.