Non NHS Fees and Private Letters

Why do GPs sometimes charge fees?
The NHS provides healthcare free of charge, but there are a number of other services for which fees are charged, i.e. medical reports for insurance companies.

The NHS covers these costs for NHS work, but for non-NHS work the fee has to cover the doctor’s costs.

Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients include:

  • Accident/sickness insurance certificates
  • Certain travel vaccinations
  • Private medical insurance reports

Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients include:

  • Some reports for the DSS/Benefits Agency
  • Examinations of local authority employees
  • Reports regarding joining the Army

Where do the fees comes from?
The British Medical Association (BMA) suggests fees for non-NHS work which is not covered under a GP’s NHS contract, to help GPs set their own professional fees. However, these fees are guidelines only, not recommendations, and a doctor is not obliged to charge the rates suggested.

Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of patients. Most GPs have a very heavy NHS workload and this paperwork is done at times set aside for it. When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true. In order to complete even the simplest of forms, therefore, the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor.

Please note, the turnaround for these requests is 30 working days and payment must be collected in advance.

If you require it sooner, you will need to seek this service from a private provider.  We will not be able to make exceptions to this time frame under any circumstances.

Please see below our current costs for non-NHS Services
Private fees with effect from 1st August 2022

HGV/PSV/PCV £140.00
Pre-employment medical £140.00
Fostering/Adoption medical £140.00
Taxi medical £96.00
Power of Attorney (no examination) £96.00
Power of Attorney (examination and report) £150.00
Elderly Driver medical and certificate £140.00
Certificates/Claim Forms/Letters  
Private sick note/fitness £35.00
Private letter - no exam/school exam/PE £45.00
Short insurance claim form (<15 mins no exam) £67.00
Medium claim form with proforma (<25 mins no exam) £89.50
GPR £135.70
To Whom It May Concern (TWIMC) £45.00
Form or letter to say free from infection £45.00
Travel Cancellation £67.00
OFSTED forms for childminding £135.70
Passport (not legal, but if GP wants to do) £67.00
Fire Arms License form £48.40
 Medication Confirmation letter for travelling abroad  £45.00


SR1 forms - Special Rules 
Please see the link below for information on SR1 forms which apply to people who have a life expectancy under 1 year. 

The 'Special Rules: how the benefit system supports people nearing the end of life - GOV.UK (