Patient Services Team

Poplar Grove Practice has a strong Patient Services Team consisting of Receptionists, Secretaries, Prescription Team and Summary Clerks.  Between them they provide full administrative support to the whole Primary Health Care Team.

Suzanne, Cheryl, Angela, Isuru, Samantha, Zuliakha, Ikra, Donna, Karen and George. 
Senior Receptionist - Amy 
Supervisor - Jan

Our team of receptionists are your link with the rest of the practice and are there to help you. They may need to ask you some medical details to help the rest of the team to work effectively.  They work under the doctors' instructions.  The clearer you can explain your problem, the better we can help.  Any information you give to our team remains confidential. Our receptionists are trained to do a difficult job and they try very hard to do it well. 

If you require privacy at reception please ask the receptionist who will deal with your request in a private area. 

Alison, Clare, Marie, Sophia, Emily and Rasangi.
Superviser - Dawn

Our secretaries help us communicate with hospitals, other doctors and many other agencies on your behalf. They have a varied role and are key players in the smooth running of the practice. Their administrative tasks include; typing and sending referrals, booking appointments, chasing hospital letters and test results, helping the GP's complete insurance reports and other forms, answer the phone to patient queries, scanning processing and summarising hospital letters.

Coding Team
Jean and Sam

Prescription Team
Pooja and Samantha

The prescription team are available to assist with your queries, as well as processing the hundreds of requests for medications.

Summary Clerks
Emma and Kathryn 

As a GP Training Practice we have designated Summary Clerks to ensure that the PHCT, including locums & registrars, have access to accurate health data to enable correct diagnosis and treatment.  The Practice also needs to achieve other audited targets (QOF).

Summarising is developing patient care by building a clear history of each new patient and to ensure that they receive the best possible care tailored to their individual needs.  All summaries should be succinct, accurate & useful using protocols.  Ongoing or chronic (active) problems are grouped together likewise all Significant (past) problems are grouped together.  Items to be summarised include diseases, conditions, hospital admissions, operations & procedures, obstetric history (<50), relevant Family History and screening (e.g. cervical smears, mammograms, retinopathy, AAA & bowel screening within specific age ranges).  The PHCT is encouraged to use preferred Read Code sets suggested nationally and to include current and past diseases, surgical history, recurring conditions, disabilities, risk factors and indicators.  Information is extracted on smoking status, blood pressure, BMI, allergies & vaccination status. All GP2GP notes that arrive electronically are edited and verified. Patient records are aimed to be summarised within 6 weeks of arrival to the practice.

Other aspects of their job include; dealing with the deduction of medical records for patients who leave the practice, their Lloyd George (paper records) are collected and collated with their electronic record and sent back to Primary Care Services England (PCSE).